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Chisinau. Hotel Bella Donna. Moldova

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Chisinau - Moldova

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Tango Argentino Party in Belladonna Hotel - 15 april 2011

Tango  Argentino Party in Belladonna Hotel Tango  Argentino Party in Belladonna Hotel Tango has a lot of definitions. For somebody tango is the “dance of fire”, for somebody else, tango it is the Life itself. Passion is the word for Argentino Tango. The Argentino Tango is the model of an ideal relationship, when the man leads and the women allows to be led. Everything becomes cristal clear and very simple, when we play by the rules. Results that Tango is a “spicy meal” consisting of danced techniques. The most important thing is to find the contact with the partner. Passion, emotions, the flight, improvisations – this are the ingredients to a perfect tango.

15.04.2011 in Belladonna Hotel on Bucuresti street nr. 9, from 19.00 till 23.30 we wait you at Tango Argentino Party.

In the restaurant of our hotel you can spend a great time, have a nice meal and you can participate in the most passional dance on the earth – tango.

On 15 april 2011 we have a special offer for you:
You can book a table by 35 euro
And we guarantee a special dinner for two consisting of:
-meat meal
- a bottle of champagne or wine
-and hot or cold drinks

Information on the phone:

Telephone reservations:


Free entry for all!!!
Free lessons of Argentino Tango!!!!

    Romantic Night Romantic Night

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