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Chisinau. Hotel Bella Donna. Moldova

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Chisinau - Moldova

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  • Restaurant "Bella Donna"

"Bella Donna" restaurant announces special offer: buy an unpasteurized beer "Dion", get the second one for free!

Promotions in Restaurant Bella Donna, Chisinau, Moldova Promotions in Restaurant Bella Donna, Chisinau, Moldova Certainly we all have heard the term "unpasteurized beer", but few of us actually know what it stands for.
When you choose unfiltered beer you are drinking beer that hasn't been pasteurized, which is a process that slows down the proliferation of microorganisms by heating the beer to a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius and maintaining in for 3-8 minutes.
This way, the natural taste of beer is slightly reduced, but the shelf life of the drink is dramatically increased.

The standard shelf life of pasteurized beer is up to 7 days.
The latter can be increased, but this involves a chemical treatment, a process called "conservation".
If pasteurization only slows down the reproduction of microorganisms thus reducing the taste and flavor of beer;
conservation involves adding inhibitors, stabilizers and other preservatives.
This increases the shelf life of the beer up to a year, but also increases the potential health risks of drinking this particular brew.

With that in mind, it is only logical to assume that the best way to avoid major health complications and get the best possible taste is to drink unpasteurized beer.
"Bella Donna" Restaurant announced a special offer: buy an unpasteurized beer "Dion" and get the second one for free!
It is worth mentioning that the unpasteurized beer "Dion" is brewed in the southern town of Cahul, Moldova, at the "Cahulpan" factory;
the technology and equipment corresponding to Czech technological standards.

We are waiting for you; and if you decide to take up on this offer, you can find us at Bucuresti 9, at the intersection with Ismail str.

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